Incompressible flows
The incompressible Navier-Stokes equations are solved using continuous finite element approximation.
ILES of Turbulent Flow around a Volvo Car
Implicit Large Eddy Simulation. The incompressible Navier-Stokes equations is computed by a residual based streamline diffusion stabilization, G2. Streamlines and magnitude of velocity for FEM solution with P1 elements for flow around a Volvo car with turbulent wake. The implicit Cranck-Nicolson method is used for the time discretisation. ~100K unstructured mesh points
Volvo car aerodynamics simulation
Variable density incompressible flow
One can extend the incompressible solver that we develop to solve with additional advection equation either for density or temperature.

Lock-Exchange Problem, T=20, 640x80 P1 mesh points, Density, vorticity and artificial viscosity using residual viscosity