Invariant domain preserving schemes
The aim of the project is to construct positivity, maximum principle, and invariant domain preserving continuous finite element methods for nonlinear conservation laws.
To make all the features of the solution visible we often plot Schlieren gray-scale diagram of the vertical momentum \(\rho\) given by
where \(\beta=10\).
Supersonic flow around circular cylinder
In this example we consider a supersonic flow past a circular cylinder of radius \(0.25\) centered at the point \(\boldsymbol{x} = (0.6, 1)\) in a two-dimensional wind tunnel of size \((x_1, x_2)\in [0, 4] \times [0, 2]\). We use the \(\gamma\)-law with \(\gamma=\frac{7}{5}\). The initial data is \(\rho=1.4\), \(p=1\), \(\boldsymbol v=(3,0)^\top\). The Mach 3 flow enters from the left boundary \(\{x_1=0\}\), where Dirichlet boundary conditions are prescribed. The slip boundary condition is applied at the walls \(\{x_2 = 0\}\) and \(\{x_2 = 2\}\) and on the cylinder. Since the flow is supersonic, no boundary condition is applied at the outflow \(\{x_1=4\}\).

The flow enters the wind tunnel and hits the cylinder, then a strong bow shock develops at the front of the cylinder, while two attached oblique shocks develop from the back side of the cylinder. The flow separates at the points where the oblique shocks start. After separation the flow fluctuates and creates small scale vortices traveling downstream. The strong shocks travel towards the wall boundaries, reflect back in the tunnel, and pass through the small scale vortices.